About Us

FRS Express have developed the Frequency Resonant Seismic (FRS) technology which provides for direct confirmation of oil and gas deposits.

Our Vision

We were founded on the belief that there must be a better way to explore for worldwide Oil and Gas reserves, a way to actually identify the presence of reserves versus the traditional method of just defining the geologic structure using traditional seismic and then confirming by drilling expensive wells. After years of technical development, followed by field testing in various Russian oil and gas fields, FRS Express have developed the Frequency Resonant Seismic (FRS) technology which provides for direct confirmation of oil and gas deposits by analyzing low-frequency gravitational tide resonance data. Compared to traditional 3D seismic, the data collection and processing are much more economical, and when used in conjunction with traditional 3D seismic should significantly improve exploratory success.

Our Team

FRS Express have a diverse team of tech-savvy people who are passionate about exploring Frequency Resonant Seismic (FRS). 

Avery Lu Chief Executive Officer
Dan Westbrook Board Advisor, Business Strategy. Experienced O&G Executive
Richard Ames Board Advisor, Geophysics. Experienced O&G Executive
Michael Palmer Board Advisor, Research and Explorations. Experienced O&G Executive
Sally Pera Board Advisor, Investor Relations
Alexander Chaihorsky Chief Exploration Geologist
Edward Hodgman Board Advisor, Government Relations
Mehtab Raja Marketing and Business Development
Victor Sibgatulin Chief Revenue Officer
Laurence Jonkers Board Advisor, Public Relations
Angelica Velasco Marketing Manager